Initial foray into Leaflet with D3

Warning: This is a really old blog post. I am including it just for posterity, and in the interest of just keeping all my old writing from my “earlier” days.

I’m trying to make a voronoi diagram. Just to get going, I used Citi Bike’s station data (they have 332 stations and I just took the live JSON feed to get each of their locations, by parsing through the data with d3’s d3.json() capability. Currently, I am failing and getting very far into this project. I’ve got it working in a static instance, but I can’t get it to dynamically update. I want to figure that out by the end of the day, ideally. To keep the map from freaking out, I have disabled all panning and zoom functionality in the below example. (Update: I just replaced it with an image for now, since there is no point in using the map generation at the moment, given the panning doesn’t work.)


At present, the map, as you can see, produces the diagram correctly in a static state. I’ve understood (learned) how SVG sort of injects itself inside of a layer that Leaflet creates that sits just above the maps layer. Now I need for it to dynamically grab the objects that are locating the Citi Bike stations and recalculate their new x and y coordinates each time the map is moved. There is this code, that was on a few other Leaflet projects map.on('load moveend', revise()) that unforuntately keeps returning a type error to me. Clearly, this is no good and is next on my to-debug list. At the moment though, I am going to need to switch gears and revisit this later in the evening.